
Looking for local accommodations? Checkout these fine establishments that support the NGCC Women’s Fall Classic.

Tourist Inn
4026 Leeds and Grenville 43
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
Check out their website

Clothier Mills Inn
8 Clothier St. E.
Kemptville, Ontario, Canada K0G 1J0
[email protected]
Tel:  613-258-0164
Fax: 613-258-4576
Check out their website

Kemptville Suites
Kemptville Suites located at 103 Clothier Street East.
+1 (844) 5-SUITES
+1 (613) 215-0707
Checkout their website

Shuttle service will be provided throughout the event to and from the curling club to any teams who require it.