Looking for local accommodations? Checkout these fine establishments that support the NGCC Women’s Fall Classic.
Tourist Inn 4026 Leeds and Grenville 43 Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0 Canada (613)258-5939 Check out their website Clothier Mills Inn 8 Clothier St. E. Kemptville, Ontario, Canada K0G 1J0 [email protected] Tel: 613-258-0164 Fax: 613-258-4576 Check out their website Kemptville Suites Kemptville Suites located at 103 Clothier Street East. +1 (844) 5-SUITES (578-4837) Local +1 (613) 215-0707 Checkout their website
Shuttle service will be provided throughout the event to and from the curling club to any teams who require it.